Sober living

Goodbye Letter to Addiction: Template & Example

And I knew there was nothing I could do about it. A week later, I found myself fighting with my girlfriend. I thought it was just a rebound, that I would see you once and then return to my life. But it never worked out that way with you. Once I was with you, you wouldn’t take no for an answer. Pick a drug that people abuse, and the chances are high that some lasting form of emotional scar is attached…

With our guidance, you will receive a customized care plan that addresses your substance abuse issues and any co-occurring disorders. You will likely qualify for an effective combination of individual, group, and family therapies. We take a holistic, evidence-based approach to help you heal once and for all. This time, your recovery can be long-lasting. The closing will be determined in both tone and substance. The matter is settled; you’ve made up your mind about leaving addiction to drugs or drinking behind.

My Goodbye Letter to Drug Addiction

Not only will it help you put the past behind you, but it will also help you focus on the future. There were plenty of times when I believed things were starting to look up. I was starting to crawl away from your evil clutches.

goodbye letter to addiction

The Underlying Mindset

At the end of the day, it was me who lost all of that. Even though it makes all the sense in the world, saying goodbye to drugs is difficult no matter what. Moving forward can be tricky, but you will be a better person once you say goodbye to your addiction. Even though it is deeply personal, I will include what I wrote in my goodbye letter, and give some insight into how you can sober house approach your own goodbye letter. After completing the goodbye letter, encourage clients to share it with a trusted friend or family member.

Learn to live a Sober, Vibrant & Substance-Free Life

goodbye letter to addiction

I realize the extent of the harm you’ve done. I never in a million years thought I’d be in this position. I deserve to live free from your grip, and I am determined to find joy and peace without you.

Life today is a dream compared to life with you. I have more clarity than I’ve had in twenty years. You weren’t a coping strategy at all — you were a crutch I leaned on. And in the end, you were a negative force in my life set on a path of destruction. For more than ten years, I tried to break up with you. But like a toxic ex, you’d creep back in reminding me that I couldn’t cope without you.

Set the Tone for the Goodbye Letter to Substance Abuse

You started to take more than you gave. You took almost everything away from me. Eventually, you took everything away from me. You told me that as long as I let you control everything in my life, everything would be okay. It has become clear that everything is not okay.

How Does a Goodbye Letter to Addiction Help the Patient?

As the days went by, I stood by and did nothing. Then, you decided to push me into that grave. You thought that you would be able to get rid of me. I will not let it because I am stronger than you and I am saying goodbye.

We had a great relationship and you did exactly that. You flattered me, told me good things about myself. You said I was smarter than other people, even more attractive. I felt like if I had you by my side, I could conquer the world.

goodbye letter to addiction

This is my sobriety letter, a pledge to myself and others that I will remain steadfast in my recovery. You sent me to the hospital more than a few times. I felt so alone, even though I had you.

Step 1: Tell drugs why you are leaving them now.

  • The experience of writing this letter can be wonderful.
  • With our guidance, you will receive a customized care plan that addresses your substance abuse issues and any co-occurring disorders.
  • There came a point where I thought I would never have to part with you.
  • Fortunately for me, my world crumbled when I lost a close family member.

But writing helps to clarify the intense nature of your emotions, which may range from feeling lucky to escape its clutches to angry at yourself. I’ve realized that your temporary relief isn’t worth the long-term damage. You’ve caused me more pain than joy, leading to stress and lost opportunities. My life has become unmanageable, and I’ve felt powerless in your grip. You could never solve problems; you just sucked the joy out of my life with your lying and manipulation.

I have realized that My health has deteriorated, my children have been taken away, and I don’t have a job to support myself. I believed your promises and lost track of things that matter. You’ve been the best thief, robbing me of my peace. To be clear, the pain you’ve inflicted is unbearable.

I desperately needed support, but you just pushed me into a deeper depression. We offer the skills and support for lifelong sobriety. We’re here to provide guidance and support for anyone on their sober living journey.

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