All the good ends someday. Ken Levin (Ken Levine) leaves Irrational Games, And with him a whole one leaves … No, let’s abandon the farewell-tragic pathos, which hit the entire gaming community. There is no one to bury: the developer is already engaged in a new project, and BIOSHOCK will surely continue its existence. Still, the rights to the cult series, like manuscripts, do not burn-in someone’s hands they will certainly be. Only now almost everyone is sure that the series will never be the same. Nevertheless, they do not guess for the future, and the present needs to have time to enjoy. Fortunately, there is a worthy reason for that: Ken Levin He did not leave English, but said his farewell word, which turned out to be the second plot addition for Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode Two.
Be kind to admire
BIOSHOCK – one of the rare series in which history and setting have a paramount value to gameplay. Studying the environment here is much more interesting than shooting and fighting. And this is not at all because the shooting component is weak. Just thanks to an incredibly detailed scenario and deep atmosphere, the world draws in, inspiring to research. This even gave some an occasion to argue that Infinite I would look more organically in the format of the quest. Still, shoot and at the same time allow the quantum paradoxes of space and time in the mind – the task is not easy.
It seems, Ken Levin I liked the role of the great hoaxer. The plot omissions that leave the spaciousness for the imagination of the viewer are stingy and attract no worse than the most spectacular action. To achieve commercial success, the “mysterious” series has a path proven by experience: questions must be answered with questions, and it does not matter if there is a final explanation of the events in fact. The main thing is to maintain intrigue. Scriptwriters from Valve They perfectly mastered this skill. But, unlike them, the creators Burial at Sea: Episode Two Still not deprived of conscience and honestly answered most of those who interest the fans of the questions.
The second episode starts where the first. The booker is dead, Elizabeth for some reason suffers from memory loss and cannot use his abilities. The only desire to save the girl Sally, who was in the hands of the Atlas, drives her. Yes, the events of additions are unfolding in both legendary universes. Moreover, the plot claims their unity and interdependence. During the passage, we will be delighted and in Colombia, we will meet sign characters from both cities, and we will also find unexpected connections between them.
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis
However, to detect them Burial at Sea – Episode Two will demand from the user knowledge of an extensive game background. To understand numerous dialogs and catch thin references, you need to know the content of all previous parts of the series well. Otherwise, the addition will seem surrealistic delirium full of wonderful decorations and incomprehensible conversations.
Level -designers Irrational Games This time surpassed themselves. All details, whether it is on the boards, posters, monuments or books and magazines scattered by level not by chance, but complement and explain the main storyline. Things have their own story, these are not silent scenery: they have their own language, in which they try to convey to the player a certain meaning. On a gold saucer, no one will bring a ready-made version of what happened. You will have to assemble a puzzle yourself. Whether this will be able to do this, depends only on your observation and imagination. But every reference seen and the solved secret gives some kind of discoverer’s joy. And in this – all BIOSHOCK.
Before us is primarily a game with our own imagination. Burial at Sea – Episode Two, On the one hand, allows the existing riddles, and on the other, he answers questions that we did not even know about. There is a lot of information, and in endless attempts to correlate the famous old and unexpectedly arising new you and spend the last hours over the final head of the adventures of Elizabeth. But, as we have already said, all this Ken Levin I put an end to my departure. Beautiful and quite unambiguous.
The circle of the great series is closed: Burial at Sea – Episode Two In a sense, you can consider the prequel to the events of the first part. It is unlikely that when creating the first “bioshok” Levin already thought out his background, but the events of the second episode in the narrative fit organically and appropriate. Let sometimes the tirads about constants and variables look tense and artificially – Infinite It’s hard to imagine without them. However, in addition to pseudo -scientific speculations, the human drama is based on the history of troubles and suffering Elizabeth, which sacrifices itself in the name of the highest goal.
Burial at Sea – Episode Two Infinitely beautiful. The artists managed not only to recreate the original flavor of delight and Colombia, but also to surpass themselves, forcing a new world to play with new colors. This is the rare case when there are almost no unsuccessful screenshots out of several hundred of shot screenshots – I want to share every angle, every view met in this world.
Goodbye, booker
Most of the time we will simply wander in delight, studying the surroundings. BIOSHOCK It is customary to reproach with the monotony of the shooting component. Now this argument of ill -wishers is not entirely true. More relevant this time will be a reproach for the monotony of the local stealth.
The main character has the skills of quiet movement and imperceptible elimination of opponents. Vision among enemies is unimportant, so there are no Garretov “shadow” games here. Everything is much simpler: we hide behind the shelters, we wait until the enemy turns his back, creep up and stun him. Spliters do not differ in particular observation, and even having come into the field of view of the mutant, we will be able to hide or brazen to run up to him and puzzle “in the forehead”. In general, stealth, due to the meager of artificial intelligence, looks somewhat primitive.
Traditional “plasmic-gun” methods also nobody canceled. But in this case, you will inevitably have to face some problems. The arsenal was severely cut: Elizabeth has only a shotgun, a revolver and a crossbow with euthanizing darts. The cartridges that the girl once regularly threw up the bouquer, now in a shortage – open shootings with large groups of opponents is far from the best option. Among combat plasmids remained the most pacifist like frost and submission of the will of the enemy. True, some of them expand the stealth capabilities of the heroine. So, Elizabeth can see through the walls, and with the improvement of plasmide, it becomes invisible.
Most of the villains also do not differ in variability. Only monotonous splaskers roam delight. Some of them wear buckets on their heads, which makes it difficult to stun. A big daddy will also meet, which, however, will not be able to kill. Behind the unnecessary DLC, they also threw the system of “pumping” the character. Everything has become somewhat simpler, but thanks to the strongest entourage, the “lightweight” mechanics are perceived calmly, and an addition to one breath is held.
Burial at Sea: Episode Two Pretty short. A couple of hours is enough to run over the heads of opponents to the final credits. But this is not at all the way to go through the creation Irrational Games. To understand his charm, you need to completely surrender to
all your perceptual and intellectual abilities: to watch, listen, notice the details, put scenario puzzles and just enjoy the fact of being in the world. In some ways, the second episode can be compared with contemplative Dear Esther: half of the action unfolds on the screen, and the second-in the imagination and imagination of a player who completes and interprets the story in his own way.
Pros: complex and multifaceted plot;the abundance of “speaking” details;Stunning design.
Cons: The shooting capabilities are cut, and stealth mechanics are too simple.
Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea – Episode Two
The best comments
Burial at Sea: Episode Two is quite short. A couple of hours is enough to run over the heads of opponents to the final credits.
I passed for four hours. At the same time, he did not shake everything-all-all the back streets, did not find several diaries and several improvements for plasmids.
And I would also put the fact that for some reason it is trying to tie Columbia and Rapchur more closely than. Because I don’t know how to start playing the first “bio-shit” now, knowing what a big role in its events was played by Elizabeth and quantum physics with all kinds of breaks, but about which there is not a single little male hint in Bioshock 1. And Levin practically put a cross on Bioshock 2, as if there had never been it:/
Although I still liked the addition very much. For such a price, a very solid and fat piece of game turned out.
Of the examples about HL, only the competitor Black Mesa is suitable, because all the other other events occur strongly after the events of the first part. But Aperture did not have such a close connection with Black Mesa as Elizabeth from BAS with rappor, because the whole BAS turns out to be a prequel to BIOSHOCK 1, and a fairly solid and influential prequel.
And then the problem of trust in the story told. Competent authors and scriptwriters leave their hooks for future changes in the plot and some cardinal global events. A good example is Harry Potter, where the Harry godmother is mentioned in the first book, so in the third volume it does not look like a piano in the bushes. That is, we clearly know that Rowling came up with the character ahead of time, he existed in this universe from the very beginning, the author did not try to enter him in reverse. And in Bioshock it feels that Levin did not even think about any parallel universes during the first part, so his attempts to rewrite the history of Rapchur seven years later look false, because he did not leave any hooks for this.
Plus, again, Levin completely denies Bioshock 2, which also hits the integrity of the game universe. Tea, not spin-off some, but a full-fledged second part, albeit from other people.
Well, in fact, so in everything. If you play the first Half-Life, you will not find there the slightest references to the Alliance, to the totalitarian regime, City-17 and the smolate laboratories from Portal. I even like it on the contrary. For when we played the first bioshok, we could not suspect which way the plot would go. It seems to be a complete story – but no, it acquires more and more details and nuances, and the world is more and more revealed.
The situation “Leo with a splinter in the paw” is shown here “. This topic was revealed in detail by the plot;) The essence is as follows: a certain lion (daddy, nightingale, etc.p.) everyone ruins/breaks, but he also has a weak place (Adam at the dad, an unlocked breathing block near the nightingale). Allegory – the paw that the foreman has fallen. So the one (sisters, Elizabeth) who will pull out this “splinter” (will help with the necessary substance daddy, or connect a special.Solovoy Bloc), that lion will protect. If I am not stupid and I don’t remember anything, then this idea was described in the same Mowgli. Someone (either in Akla, or at the ball), he seemed to pull out a splinter from his paw, and he was joyfully called his brother by blood. Something like that.
After passing the game, nothing filed in my head, I had to sit and think about what and how it happened in Infinite. Of course it’s a pity that such an amazing series is over, but it ended brilliantly. It is bad that such games on the fingers can be counted.
You all left the wrong steppe a little)):
In the final of the infinite, the booker is drowned before he made his choice: accept baptism or not. Thus “cut off” both the path of the prophet and the path of the false shepherd. This does not once mean that the reality of the Komstok and Colombia, as well as the fact of the sale of Anna are erased from the spatio-temporal continuum. Remember the words Lates: “lived, alive, will live. He died, dies, dies.”;“What is done is done. What is done … then will be done.”I also quote Levin himself:“ The main problem is that when you are trying to explain the game mechanics from a linear point of view, everything becomes very confused. The chronology becomes confusing. As Einstein said, “the only reason for the existence of time is that all events cannot occur at the same time. “This is a way of our perception of reality.”That is, you make a mistake, imagining time and causal connection as a direct road: behind the past (cause), ahead of the future (investigation), where you are standing-the present. In fact, neither the past nor the future exists, and all events happen simultaneously. People are simply limited by the narrowness of their three -dimensional perception, so they do not feel it. That is, having drowned the sneaker of the sneaker and not allowing him to turn into a prophet or a false shepherd, Elizabeth does not destroy reality, but only creates another, completely free from the booker and his heritage. There is also the world where the booker did not go to baptism at all and, thanks to Elizabeth, received a chance to live life differently.
Here you say where Elizaby and Buckers came from in the second episode. In my opinion, everything is just like a door: the ending is fixed, that is, the events of Bioshok returned to the first part. So, this whole story has turned into an eternal cycle, so as not to influence the normal development of other universes (yes, there are a sea here). You ask: “What is common between the cycle and the last Elizabeth and Boker”? The answer is also simple: lutees. These gentlemen climbed with their car, where it was not necessary, opening many universes. When it dawned on them that they had done business, they clearly needed to fix it all. It was they who decided to play this truly grand performance with breaks and time paradoxes. Their task was to fix all their jambs in order not to violate the normal development of other universes. But they were not building 9,000 cars with their hands, so they decided to create a certain Elizabeth with a serious combination. More precisely, to take a certain person and force him to be in two universes at the same time, so that he (this man) can independently travel through the universes, arranging a certain order there. Let me remind you that in Lizzy in infancy, the closing portal cut off his finger, leaving it in another universe. Why Lutes needs Elizabeth? The fact is that she is the daughter of a butterfly, that is, to someone, and he will trust her stronger than all. The booker itself is a kind of universal point for all universes. More precisely, not himself, but his baptism. In short, Lutes, under any prepositions, had to invite the Boker to Colombia, because it would be more difficult to get out the girl from there than to give work to an alcoholic and player. We lower the small events of infinite, proceeding to his ending: there Elizabeth banged all the bookers, but. (It’s time for quantum physics). Yes, the Universe is not determined, that is, the principle of the uncertainty of Heisenberg is valid: it is impossible to predict the future of the Universe, knowing its beginning and development. The episodes stated that there was one door where Elizabeth could not look. For her it was something like a horizon of events. And it was this last door that was the last link of the huge cycle that Lutes muddied. Their task was to bring the girl to this previously inaccessible universe, where it was necessary to bang the boker, and! * It’s time to sigh dramatically* and Elizabeth herself, so that she does not heal the excess. At the beginning of the second episode, both Elizabeth and the last booker were killed. Everything would be fine, only in this universe there was an ordinary Elizabeth – not possessing supernatural abilities. And for this “ordinary” we play. Her task is to complete the cycle. This was clearly the most dangerous part of the cycle for the Lutes: died Elizabeth ahead of time-the cycle would not have closed, died later-a kind of spatio-temporal spiral would go. But Ludes clearly managed to fix what they did, to have a story, getting rid of the instrument with which they acted: Elizabeth and Boker. Well, on such an occasion, they were not illusory trolls both throughout the whole adventure in Colombia and in episodes, where it is necessary to push them to the right decision. For simple observers they would never have been, otherwise their plan could have broken.
You ask: “addict, what is it for the plan? How do you know that?”I will say:” I Smarked I thought about what the Ludes in all of this story forgot in all, and why it eventually turned out to be cyclical ”. After the adoption of the necessary substances, I thought that my option is quite well dotted over “and”. And no time paradoxes. They are stupidly not needed. How is not needed a phlogiston or ether =)
I understand your, on the one hand, righteous indignation regarding the lack of some important references to Infinite and Burial at Sea in the original, but still this is the truth is the usual thing for sequels with similar tweets. In 2007, Ken Levin clearly did not even have sketches of the current plot Infinite, by which he did not have time. As for a similar situation in Harry Potter, Rolling wrote the first part long before her publication, she was just a fairy tale for a relative and did not contain many moments similar to those that you mentioned. And only when she realized that she would continue the story and make preliminary sketches, began to simultaneously adapt the finished material to them. Irrational Games did not have such privileges as soon as they completed the development, the game went to print. I think if the gap between the final build and the release was as impressive as that of Rolling, then in the original delight one could find a mention of gaps, flying cities and girls from restaurants. Half Life also does not appear Kleiner and Eli as independent characters (only later they were tied to two passing statists), and Alex and, which is much more important, Brin, alliance and advisers do not appear in the original at all, and it is a sequel that is built on them. These are the widespread problems of continuation, which at the time of the original have not yet formed as such. There is nothing to do with it. And the last word from me in defense of the authors – the original, if it does not leave the hooks to continue, then at least does not contradict it and is very organically formed in the overall picture. And about the second part – she is the bastard, who was not born by the will of the creator of the original, from other people, from under copy paper in order to “remove the cream”, moreover, a filler from the point of view of the plot line of the original and Infinite.
I could burst out for a long time on the topic of how I adore the bio-China and how the episode of the 2nd deprived me of the night is exactly from the moment he left, but alas ..
It is sad that Levin gave an answer to almost all questions. Where is the strange, where the excellent, where a little incomprehensible … But in the bio -caskets of the cherry on the cake there was that Bioshok gave you questions, many of which you could find the answer yourself, you just have to try. Alas, after that there was a feeling, excuse me, “unnecessary”. As if you were deprived of all the sweetest you, but it was so well that the head says “it was wonderful”, and the heart “we deprived us of the“ sweetest ”that made us think about the bio -shock for weeks without a break”.
Well, Levin untied his hands with the ties of the publisher and a large studio, so just waiting for his new hit. And 2k I wish not to disturb the bioshok. All the most beautiful should end on time.
And I liked the second. Perhaps not as original as the first, and there are almost no new plasmids, but it’s still nice to be delighted again.
No, when the nightingale was killed in the finale, moving into a rape, duck, the Phoenix shouted like that, and the first bio -shock could be heard just the cry of the Phoenix, just like that. It is gorgeous. A little trifle, but makes you think that Elizabeth and Bouquer teleported in the first bio -shit, with a phoenix.
In my opinion, when she died because of the daddy who killed Boker, all the versions of Elizabeth died. And we play not for Elizabeth (there is no way to open gaps and there is a little finger). T.e. Elizabeth with a little finger is a collection of all Elizabeth without little fingers, and, accordingly, when she died at the end, all Elizabeth died. In exactly the same way, at the end of the original Infinite, all the boukers were killed, and the “united” version of the boukers appeared, but he is a comedian who repented and was delighted, and … damn it, because the comment is a bouquer’s branch, and cannot be a “collection”! I myself got confused. What if there was simply divided by zero? : D
The first scene in Paris is so shocking that I probably spent about an hour there. Each object costs so competently that no matter how you get up, wherever you look, everywhere a great picture is obtained.
I hung up a bunch of vidos and washed down on drers
I think this is some convention. Roughly speaking, we were shown a general concept, and the fact that someone artificially made the girls save daddy or someone like the woman who cared about the sisters did something else-we must think about it ourselves
Still, the rights to the cult series, like manuscripts, do not burn-in someone’s hands they will certainly be.
Well, I’m generally about Sushong, but the screen with Elizabeth is also quite. For those who have not yet played, certainly the impression of what they will see will slow down a little in the glow.
The addition turned out to be strong in terms of pressure on the most acute feelings of fans – nostalgia and curiosity. The saturation of the game in the information remained. There is a lot of it here. But still not enough. For not all questions are given answers. And the final was rather not an attempt to surprise or confuse even more, but a forced measure, the conditions of which were created by the last game and the past addition. Although he is not devoid of charm, as well as the starts of both additions, but after the bright Paris-Devta-Odveshki-Cherta-I-CHOUCH-TO SEE what she came to is harshly. But it was inevitable. Crap! Yes, it was possible to guess, because
No, well, the truth is – the booker dies in the final of the game, so? Komstok in the final additions are quite pronounced quite vividly. Even the mountain of the first part in the final video measures)))
As a result, we have an addition to the year to the game of the year. For gameplay is also good, although without holes in the balance she did not do. For example, you can just blow everyone out of the invis, when you find both modifiers for a spy. Salt is not consumed on the spot. All! Stupidly waiting for the yellow state of opponents, you beat the nearest, and back to the dusk. Although arrows can also run in bullets, but you can move a little, though?